Lip Neutralization.

Lip Neutralization PMU

A more involved process than Lip Blush; Lip Neutralization uses color theory to neutralize hyperpigmentation within the lips. To achieve a nude, peach or pink evenly toned lip color, we must first cancel out hyperpigmentation and cool tones in the lip with neutralization.

The neutralization process usually takes 1 to 3 sessions but sometimes can take more depending on the hyperpigmentation and skin thickness.

If your lips have hyperpigmentation, are two toned, discolored or contain cool/ashy tones, dark spots/corners than this service is for you.

This treatment is for individuals whose ethnicity or heritage profile falls within a Fitzpatrick Scale 3 – 6 or require lip tattoo correction.

Please note, if a Lip Blush service is purchased without consulting SunKissed By Yasmeen prior, and a Lip Neutralization service is indeed required, you must pay the difference of the Lip Neutralization rate before or at the appointment.

If you’re unsure before purchasing, contact SunKissed By Yasmeen to determine if a Lip Blush or a Lip Neutralization procedure must occur.

Prior to booking check out all things lips:

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Lip Blush


Brow Lamination