Client Waiver and Limitations of Liability.
You have elected to undergo the cosmetic procedure Lip Blush Tattoo that involves certain risks, the possibility of complications, and side effects. SunKissed Beauty Cove always takes steps to reduce the possibility of these happening. If you do not understand any part of this document, please ask one of our staff for assistance. By signing this document and proceeding with the Procedure, you are acknowledging:
About You
1. That you are representing to us that:
You are at least 18 years of age.
You are choosing to receive the procedure of your own free will.
You are not intoxicated, under the influence of alcohol or judgement altering drugs, or otherwise impaired from making an informed decision.
You have not experienced complications from a similar procedure or from receiving a tattoo in the past.
You are not experiencing a skin condition (including rash, sores, abrasions, cuts or otherwise) in the area where the procedure will be performed and have not noticed any recent change in the condition of the skin in said area.
You have reviewed and completed the Contraindications and Medical History Form accurately and completely.
You are willing, able and agree to follow the Pre-Care instructions provided to you regarding how to prepare yourself prior to the lead-up of the Procedure.
You are willing, able and agree to follow the instructions provided to you regarding the care of the affected area after the Procedure.
About the Process
2. The Procedure will consist of several steps including the following:
A consultation with the technician to decide on the best shape and best technique for you, the client. If the technician feels hesitation or uncertainty in the client, we reserve the right to refuse service. If this happens the deposit will be lost, so make sure you are absolutely ready to move forward with your permanent makeup appointment beforehand.
Applying a topical anaesthetic to the area where the permanent makeup will be applied.
Implantation or injection of pigment underneath the top layers of the skin using a blade or needle, similar to a tattoo.
3. That during the Procedure the technician will be required to used professional judgment regarding the approach, treatment, products and other elements of the procedure, as well as that if complications arise, the technician will act in accordance with his or her judgment to provide treat and minimize the issue, and that you consent to the technician using such judgment and providing such treatment.
4. That before and after photos/videos may be taken of you for record keeping. You agree to have your likeness taken and the media posted on social media platforms.
About Alternatives
5. The procedure is cosmetic and has no therapeutic value.
6. That there are alternatives to this procedure, including using traditional temporary make-up and long-lasting make-up formulas.
About Effects, Risks and Complications
7. That various products will be used during the procedure including, but not limited to, latex, dyes, topical anaesthesia, and antiseptics, which could cause irritation, discomfort and, if you allergic to them, an allergic reaction.
8. That the procedure may cause discomfort and pain for some individuals, and that you must advise your technician if the pain is more than you are able or willing to accept.
9. That, if you carry the herpes simplex virus (also known as cold sores), the procedure may cause an outbreak, and that use of an antiviral drug prescribed by a medical doctor may reduce this risk. If you have never had a cold sore, be aware you may carry herpes simplex virus and the procedure can trigger an outbreak.
10. That there is a risk of infection from the procedure.
11. That the procure may cause swelling, pain and tenderness in the area where you received the procedure for a period of time after the procedure is complete.
12. That in some cases individuals experience pain and/or tenderness long-term after receiving the procedure.
13. That there is a risk of scarring from the procedure.
14. That you may experience hypopigmentation or hyperpigmentation from this procedure.
15. That if you suffer from Vitiligo, the condition may be worsened by this procedure.
16. That if you wish to see a full listing of the substances to be used during your procedure, as well as the safety data sheets (SDS) of any or all of them, that you may request them from your technician.
Results of the Procedure
17. That the results of the procedure are permanent and can only be removed by saline tattoo solutions, laser, or surgical means, which can be disfiguring and/or costly and which in all likelihood will not result in the restoration of your skin to its exact appearance before the procedure.
18. That if you are using this procedure as a way to minimize the appearance of scarring, the results will likely not eliminate the visibility of the scar and that your objective in choosing this procedure must be to improve the appearance of the scar, not to eliminate it.
19. That the results of the procedure, including the resulting colour, will only be determinable at least one month (31 days) after you receive the procedure.
20. That the results of the procedure vary due to age, skin colour, sun damage, your health, metabolism or prior cosmetic surgery, and that the results of the procedure will vary from person-to-person, and no guarantee is made that the results will be identical to any colour sample, examples or models.
21. That the pigmentation will begin to fade in 1 to 3 years and that this is to be expected.
22. That permanent make-up procedures are not an exact science and that results will vary from person-to-person.
Sufficient Information
23. That you have been given the opportunity to ask any questions regarding the procedure, the products and equipment used during the procedure, the contents of this document, the risks and complications that are associated with this procedure, and any other matter which you wish to discuss or ask.
24. That any questions you have asked have been answered to your satisfaction.